University Compliance

Education and Training

Compliance related education and training

Compliance Notices

This notice describes how to comply with University policies and federal laws and regulations, in regard to NDAA FY 2019, Section 889, Prohibition on Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.


University Human Resources offers this training, Brown University Code of Conduct, through Workday (Workday login required), providing an introduction to the expectations outlined in the Code of Conduct.
University Human Resources offers this training, Conflict of Interest and Commitment for Brown Staff, to facilitate compliance with the University's Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy and its related guidelines (Workday login required). This course covers policy requirements for annual and ongoing disclosures, as well as the responsibilities of managers in the process.
It is critical that all adults who work with minors understand the expectations for their behavior in a variety of settings.
University Compliance offers group and one-on-one training on how to comply with the University Policy on Policies and execute the Comprehensive Policy Review. To request training email
The Division of Research offers a wide variety of opportunities for training in subjects related to the administration of research.